Monday, May 26, 2008

Birthday E-Card Finished!

While the top secret project is still in the works, I wanted to share with you the E-Card that I've been working on for my flash class, and been posting about for the past few weeks.  Here's the finished work.  Enjoy!  (Music: "The Incredits" by Michael Giacchino)


Erin said...

Wow Andrew. I wish I'd gotten that much out of my Flash class. You learned a lot.. TEACH ME!

Charlene Fleming said...

This makes my heart happy. :D

Corey said...

such a cool e-card...hope you're kickin ass at Hallmark! oh and did you export it straight from Flash with sound (as a quicktime or something?)? I couldn't get mine to export as video with sound...I would have to put it to time with sound in premiere, but haven't gotten to doing that.

Andrew Harkins said...

hey corey...i exported a really low quality and small version as a .mov file without sound from flash and then used after effects to time it all out to that version...then i exported the sound high quality from after effects. Then I used QT pro to "add" the sound into a nicer export from flash...does that make sense?

sin said...


coffman said...

this blog hasn't been updated all summer. it's like you disappeared to missouri, or something, for the summer. all of the layouts on this are great, especially the simplified color.

Jon Mendez said...

heehee. this made me giggle. :o)